When you’re choosing a floor, you want lots of things at once – aesthetics, durability, ease of maintenance and installation. We have the answer to all those things with the wide variety of waterproof flooring that you’ll find a Southside. We have lots of colors and options, like the random width flooring that hearkens back to an older time, but with modern conveniences included.
Random width flooring breaks away from the traditional uniform plank sizes. Instead of sticking to a single width, it combines various widths within the same installation. Picture a floor where 6-inch, 8-inch, and 10-inch planks coexist harmoniously like on a a patchwook quilt.
Random width flooring tends to make a room feel larger, and adds a healthy dose of historical charm to your home or office. No two floors are alike, and the mix of width highlights the unique grain patterns, knots, and character of each plank.
The really cool thing is that even though the widths are different, each piece you take out of the box is the same width, making installation a breeze!
Random width flooring combines practicality with aesthetics, allowing you to celebrate the beauty within your living spaces.