When you buy flooring from us, we always recommend that you buy at least 10% more than the measured square footage requires. We’ve seen this rule proven many times over in our customer’s homes – and our own, too.
- The Shape Shifts. One of the primary reasons to purchase extra flooring is to account for waste during the installation process. No matter how careful and skilled the installers are, there will inevitably be some material that goes unused due to cutting, fitting around corners, or accommodating irregularities in the room shape. By buying an additional 10%, you can minimize the impact of these unavoidable losses.
- Mistakes Happen. In any construction or renovation project, there will be mistakes. Measurements may be slightly off, or unforeseen issues may arise during installation. Having that extra 10% acts as a buffer. Rather than facing the frustration of having to halt the project to come buy more, having a surplus allows for flexibility.
- Save for Later! Stay in a home long enough, and you’ll have a remodel or a repair. Having some extra flooring on hand can be invaluable in the event of accidental damage, necessary repairs, or modifications to the space. Matching the existing flooring becomes seamless when there is a surplus of the original material.This will also save you from the hassle of searching for discontinued or hard-to-find flooring options in the future.
Pro Tip: If you have a rental space, don’t store the extras in the rental. We recently had a customer who bought extra, stored it in the home that he rented, and later found that the tenants had gotten rid of it.
Any homeowner knows that planning for the unexpected is a cornerstone of success. The 10% rule for purchasing extra flooring is a simple way to do just that. And at Southside, we can help you through the initial flooring math that determines how many boxes you’ll need – including that magic 10%.
Customer story: This customer removed a cabinet and a mantle from their dining room, leaving a large gap. The flooring was purchased over ten years ago, but they kept a box in storage and were able to fill in the gaps.